Our Food

Mixed Vegetables & Fruit

We grow a wide range of delicious and nutritious vegetables, as well as strawberries and melons. We are blessed with beautiful soil here: Arbuckle gravelly loam that is naturally fertile and has good structure. Our proximity to the coast allows us to grow lettuce and other cool weather crops year round. We also still warm up and see the sun each day, leading to beautiful tomatoes and peppers as well. We have planted pick-your-own raspberry and blackberry bushes and started a small orchard which we hope will contribute a small amount of fruit in the coming years.


Grass Fed Corriente Beef

Our herd of Corriente cows help maintain and improve the grassland, supply manure for our compost, and make for nutritious grass fed beef. We were attracted to the Corriente cattle as they are great grazers, fierce mothers, and smaller in size. Their meat is lean yet tender and flavorful.

Pastured Eggs

Our heritage breed chickens are out on pasture as soon as they can be, eating grubs and some grass. We move the coop weekly during the dryer months and when it becomes too wet in the winter, we park them and pack their coop and yard with straw, which later becomes part of our compost. They are fed organic grain, supplemented with our vegetable scraps. The eggs are collected daily.

Tunis Sheep

Our flock of sheep work as natural lawnmowers around the barnyard and houses. The Tunis are known to thrive on pasture, be calm and docile, and to produce delicious meat and decent wool. 


Herbal Teas

Throughout the summer, our herb team harvests and dries an abundance of medicinal herbs, which we then blend into teas that we offer in bulk throughout the fall, winter, and spring. There are about 10 unique blends that we offer. The teas are intended to bring nourishment, pleasure, and presence; and are a wonderful way to enjoy the bounty of summer throughout the colder, leaner months! 

Pick-Your-Own Flower Field

Our flower field is a highlight of the farm for many members! Very near to the CSA pickup barn, we encourage members to venture out and make bouquets. In addition to the beauty and joy the flowers bring us, they provide wonderful food and habitat for pollinators. Our flower farmer also harvests dried flower bunches throughout the summer which we provide for wreath-making at our annual Fall Harvest Festival.