
Seth and Sarah James met 10 years ago on a farm in New York State. For 3 years, they were fortunate to work on several small organic farms throughout New England  and to learn about farming from accomplished mentors. Eventually they married and settled in New Hampshire to look for their own farm and to start a family. After a long bicoastal search, they found Petaluma and this beautiful ranch. While we were searching Seth worked as a carpenter for several years, gaining invaluable building skills, and also managed a small CSA in Half Moon Bay for 3 years. Sarah managed the home front, including the children: Margrethe born in 2006 and Oliver born in 2009. After moving to the ranch, we also had Teddy born in late 2012.

Margrethe, Oliver, and Teddy are full of energy and eager to help on the farm but like to cause trouble as well!


Ned Conwell has been farming in California for the past 15 years and is excited to part of Open Field Farm and all the growing it is going to do! Rachel Dixon began farming 7 years ago in California and is excited to bring a little bit of color into everyone's lives with field grown, organic flowers. Ned and Rachel were pleased to welcome their first daughter in early December, just two short days before Teddy. The kiddos keep everyone on their toes and smiles on their faces.