After a lovely late wet spring, for which we were very grateful, the fields are filling up and we are looking forward to our first harvest of the season. While planting melon seedlings, I noticed for the first time how much they smell like fresh, ripe melons and my mouth began to water. While the fields still look more brown than green, soon enough they will be covered with delicious produce for us all to eat.
Seedlings in the greenhouse
The first pick up day will be Friday May 30th, and then every Tuesday and Friday after that until Thanksgiving. The hours for pick up will always be from 2 to 7 pm. We will provide a large open tote with handles into which you can pack your produce. We will label your tote with your name; please do your best to remember it each week. We will also have plastic bags available if you need them. For your pick your own flowers, we will provide clippers for harvesting. The flowers should be fine to travel home laid on the top of the tote but please feel free to bring a container to fill with water here if you prefer. If you have any other questions about pick up and what to expect, please contact us at I will send another email next week with the pick list for Friday.
Young chamomile in the field
We still have openings for our 2014 CSA. Please help us in spreading the word! We have a new website and a Facebook page. Check them out when you can! Also please feel free to bring an interested friend to the first pick up. We are happy to answer their questions and to have them explore the farm.
We look forward to seeing all of you next week!