It truly felt like the start of the season today. Jay returned to work on the farm, Gina moved on to her new ventures and Ellen joined the crew. We are excited for the help and to have the farm full of people.
The chicks are coming in two weeks. We have heard from the farmers hatching them that the eggs are in the incubator. We are hoping that everything goes well and looking forward to having them on the farm. We are putting together the final details so that they will have a cosy place to land.
Herb flats in the greenhouse
We started our first seeds in the greenhouse today. Last week, we took out the tables and weeded the floor. Today we put everything back and cleaned out the potting shed so that we were ready to go. It was a little anti climatic to start only 2 flats but there will be many more to follow in the coming weeks. After the late rains and slow start last year, I was less aggressive with my crop plan. It was so difficult to watch all the plants get root bound, waiting to be planted. Now this year, it seems like it will be an early spring.
We disced 6 acres last week to plant 5 acres of oats for chicken feed and 1 acre of Sonora wheat for human consumption. Now we are letting the ground dry more and waiting for some of the grass to break down. Soon we will disc it again and plant before another spring rain. Hopefully there is one.
The 2 ewes are due to lamb any day. We are looking forward to spring babies and to getting distracted watching them.
We are no longer open on Fridays but you are welcome to come visit and to purchase pork and onions anytime. We enjoy sharing the farm with you.