By Ellie
Two of the important things farming has taught me about is the seasonality of life and trying new things.
I try to eat mostly food from the farms I’ve worked at over the years and making sure I’m trying new vegetables and learning from my coworkers on how to prepare them. Because I give mostly everything a chance, I’ve grown to love certain vegetables that I’d never heard of or previously hated before I started farming like kohlrabi, fennel, radishes and especially zucchini! Everyone on the farm knows how I excited I am for our zucchini to get rolling and this past week I finally ate my first summer zucchini!!! Soon you all will know exactly how good that felt and tasted. So I just wanted to take this space to say GET EXCITED FOR ZUCCHINI!!!!!
Right now, the farm is taking a big breath in and is about ready to let it allllll out. By that I mean that we have so much planted and growing, but not quite ready to eat yet. Sometimes this can be hard because there is a small pause when we eat seasonally. But that just means we get more creative! Ever since we ran out of onions on the farm, I’ve been distraught since onions are such a big ingredient in mostly everything so I asked Alyssa what I should do. If you’ve been having this same dilemma, listen to the wisdom Alyssa instilled upon me: just use green onions. Every day Alyssa astounds me with how much of a genius they are. We are so close to having a full and abundant summer and I can’t wait until we can share the bounty with all of you.
Open Field Farm 2024 | The "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW" guide for members
CSA Barn Hours:
Current Summer hours: 2:30-6:30 PM
(Winter hours: 2:30-6PM)
Pick List:
Pink Beauty Radishes
Mideast Peace Cucumbers
Basil, Dill, Parsley, and Cilantro
Pick your own flowers and herbs
Sonora Wheat Flour
Tea Blends (Please BYO jars!)
Beef Bone Broth for sale! (Made by Olla Products)
Saltonstall Olive Oil for sale (Please BYO jars!)
Revolution Bread on Friday
One of my favorite ways to eat zucchini is to simply slice it and fry it!
First slice the zucchini in not-too-thin slices and dip it in flour, egg, then flour again
Heat up enough oil to cover the bottom of your pan and fry the slices on both sides until they’re both golden.
I also love to dip the slices in an aioli which is as simple as mayo, lemon juice and garlic!
(All of these ingredients are available in the CSA barn minus the mayo!!!!!)